Saturday, December 31, 2016

Resuming construction! The Bulkhead

Holy cow... almost a month since an update!  Work was temporarily put on hold after a week vacation to Colorado and a weekend of temperatures in the teens.  We've driving hard to make up time...

The next step was adding the main bulkhead into the interior of the camper.  Taken from the nautical terminology, a bulkhead is simply a vertical barrier to separate compartments - a wall.  In our case, this bulkhead separates the main sleeping compartment with what will become the galley.  We used epoxy to glue three puzzle joint pieces together to create the bulkhead:

Following closely behind is another piece called a stiffener, which provides rigidity to the hatch of the galley - aptly named the galley hatch stiffener - which is presently still a part of the shell and will be cut out in a later step.  Both the bulkhead and the stiffener are wired to the shell and attached permanently with wood flour epoxy.

Here, you can see the bulkhead installed with the galley stiffener immediately in front of the bulkhead:
Bulkhead installed.  It was a tight fit and required some sanding.
Galley hatch stiffener installed and everything filleted with wood flour. Score!

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